
Maybe Mum

For all the Maybe Mums out there wondering whether motherhood is for them

Overview of the letters to the editor…

Overview of the letters to the editor…

Patricia de Ryck has received a lot of attention from the media in the Netherlands. Readers and viewers frequently responded to this. All these letters to the editor have been collected in this section.

Letter to the editor

  1. ‘What you don’t have, you don’t miss’

Media exposure

Maybe Mum – in the Netherlands known as Twijfelmoeder – existed for several years. During that time, I have been interviewed several times by regional, national, and even international media. This was following the launch in 2013, but also after the publication of my book De Twijfelmoeder in 2019 by Harper Collins and even in 2024, journalist continue to seek me out. You saw me in: Grazia, Vriendin, Viva, NRC, AD, De Volkskrant, LINDA Nieuws, talkshow Kraak, interview on national television at RTL Boulevard. But also in De Morgen en Feeling. And more like last month the interview by RTL.

My English is not very good, so I’m translating this with the help of Google Translate and ChatGPT.
